“You have a wellspring of beautiful energy inside of you.”
From: “the untethered soul” by Michael Singer
“You have a wellspring of beautiful energy inside of you.”
From: “the untethered soul” by Michael Singer
Yoga stretches your body to de-stress your emotions.
Did you know that yoga at the beginning of your day, will help you maintain balance physically, mentally
and emotionally?
I’m currently in the process of publishing a book on childhood neglect. What it says and the feelings it provokes are strong and real to anyone who may have felt this way for a day, a week or most of their childhood. The intention of the book is to help children to cope and to help parents to see through their pain and to their most precious gift: their child.
Acknowledge and accept ALL of your feelings. They are valid and valuable. Appreciating even your most traumatic feelings brings you closer to your authentic self.
Take a few moments to listen to Susan David’s TED talk: ” The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage.”
Are you looking for a stimulating workout which will include stretching, thoughtful intention and mindfulness, and a way to tone and strengthen your body, mind and spirit?
Give your life journey new options and perspectives by seeing the neuro pathway “roads” that you can access with practice and time. These new roads may be better suited for you at this time in your life.
“I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial “victim” to my new job as “co-creator” of my destiny.”
From the Prologue of “The Biology of Belief” by Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.
“The Divine is the highest place within each of us, an all-powerful and all-encompassing energy that is first and foremost love, light, intelligence and beauty. I believe that the spirit is an individualized expression of the Divine: the defining, primal force of life. And when we are aligned with the Divine, nothing is impossible for us.” -Dr. Elaine Ferguson
What does stress feel like in your body? Let’s talk about ways to de-escalate anxiety, reduce stress, and switch between sympathetic to the parasympathetic.
“Recovery from trauma is reconnection with your authentic self. We disconnect because it’s too painful to be ourselves. Trauma is not what happens to you but what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you.” – Gabor Maté